
The best print ads have little to no words.

It's true, and as a writer I kind of hate to admit it. But then again, writers have to the write the concept too.  And concepts of wordless print ads can be very impressive.  Usually, I like it better when they have short and clever headlines, but they're not always needed.  This ad is a perfect example.

Who writes this crap??!

First of all, this is a huge waste of airtime.  The "message" of this commercial could easily be conveyed the same in 30 seconds if you cut out all the wasted time of people looking up and actually looking concerned. Second of all, who writes this crap?!  Also, who is actually sitting in a board room listening to a pitch of a commercial involving a giant pink stuffed bunny trying to knock over a brick building like a wrecking ball and saying, "Wow, that's really clever.  And this commercial will definitely help us with our business." Whoever those people are, I want to meet both of them so I slam their heads together.  I mean, yeah, the ending line, "To do a job well, you need the right tools," makes sense from the build-up.  But when the build-up is trying to relate using a giant stuffed animal as a wrecking ball to using H&R Block to do your taxes, your message gets a little lost because the concept of how you delivered the message is so stupid.  At least that's how I see it.  But I'm also a little bit of an ad snob.

Look, Ma! That's me!

On my second day of my internship at Vox Medica, one of the creative directors handed my a handwritten template of an ad they wrote for a prescription payment plan by AstraZeneca called AZ & Me, and asked me to search the internet for appropriate pictures.  After an hour or so of scanning through creative image servers, I found this one and decided it would be the most appropriate for the ad.  So, I downloaded it to the desktop, sent it back over to the creative director and didn't hear much about it since.  Six months later, I see the finished product as I'm driving down I-95.  Although I can't take much credit for creating the ad itself, it was still pretty exciting at the time.