
Just finished this 20 minutes ago.

My first day at the Temple Ad Club agency definitely went pretty well.  This is a poster that the agency and I were assigned to do at about 2 o clock this afternoon.  As you can see from the body copy, we're hosting MARC USA this upcoming Monday for an information/interview session and today, in the Ad Club agency meeting, we were asked to make up a promotional flyer to be put up around campus.  The concept of poster can be credited to my fellow group member, Kim.  I thought it was a really fun concept and when she told me I almost instantly thought of the headline to match it perfectly.  All the other copy was pretty much already written in the emails that the ad department received for the past few weeks.  Also, I can take some credit for executing the design of the ad as I worked alongside two fellow group members in doing so.  I hope you Temple students like this because you're about to see it all around campus.