
I've never seen a Comcast commercial that I like.

Especially the ones from this Xfinity campaign. Whenever they come on TV, I have to mute it or I'll go insane. Like those terrible, terrible Old Navy commercials that utilize jingles (rather poorly I might add) to sell their product, this commercial almost makes me hate music as much as their products. And again, like the Old Navy commercials, the song is not catchy and the lyrics are not very clever ("It's fun for you, it's fun for me, you'll love the net you get with Xfinity"). Really, it's fun for me? Because I'm pretty sure Comcast has one of the worst reputations for customer service among big businesses. But in a lot of areas, there is no other option for cable. So I guess that's fun for them.


To get the full effect, I'm not even going to explain this one.

The Ad

It's a little questionable.  Especially the set-up.  But still, I think it's pretty creative and definitely something that will get people talking. And sharing.


Rounding out my Sealy campaign.

So this is the outdoor portion of my Sealy campaign.  We were assigned to just make an alternative outdoor ad, but I took it a step further with the billboard.  I did this because I saw this image and I couldn't pass it up because it worked perfectly for my campaign.  As for the alternative "guerrilla" ad, I tweaked the concept a little bit because I had a hard time thinking of something that would symbolize a couple falling asleep rather than making love. Though, if you have any ideas, feel free to post them!  As of right now, I'm not completely satisfied with my alternative piece, but my professor loved it.  I was also thinking about putting this kind of thing on train station benches and various other public transportation spots, but you get the idea with this image.  Comments are welcome!


Apple much?

The white background, the (not-so) friendly comparisons, and even the kind of music in the background.  When your main competitor is the Apple iPad, why would you pretty much copy the same advertising as Apple?  Yeah, I understand that this was some great advertising that Apple developed, but that should never mean you should base yours off of it unless you're completely satirizing it.  Can we see some originality please?