Such a smart, innovative way to advertise during the Super Bowl. Other than that corny Darth Vader Volkswagon commercial, this got the must buzz out of any of the Super Bowl commercials. With a 30-second commercial costing about $3 million dollars during this year's Super Bowl, this was such a smart way to save money and still spread as much word of mouth and publicity for your brand as a those companies that shelled out those millions of dollars. Especially those who made terrible commercials (refer back to my Kia post to see what I'm saying). Would you believe that this 1-second spot yielded an 8.6% sales boost for Miller High Life? I know, that's pretty hard to believe, but if you need proof, click here. I think what made this so successful is that they ran the second video that I have attached to this post during the days leading up to the Super Bowl so that viewers made sure to look out for it during the big game. Just brilliant. All the other 1-second commercials that didn't make the cut are also pretty awesome. You can see them all on their website, or just by going on YouTube. I suggest you do so because some are pretty darn funny.